Since the weather forecast for Saturday is not looking good so far, NSBMX board decided to run a Race For Life tomorrow, Friday June 17th. We cancel our Saturday race but if the weather holds and the track is in a good condition, we might have an impromptu practice on Saturday. Please keep your eyes on our website & FB page for that last minute rally call!

Here's this week's schedule.

June 17, Friday - Coaching & Race For Life

5:00-6:00pm Club Coaching for Novice and Intermediate riders

5:30-6:15pm Registration & Gate Practice

7pm Racing starts

Cost: Full track /Half track $10.00

*Please understand that we will close some part of the track for club coaching during coaching session.

Online Registration and Race Day Hotline 604-352-6795 is available to the registered members.

Call or Text us if you are running late!


June 18, Saturday - Racing Cancelled

Saturday Race has been moved to Friday.

We're hoping to be able to have an impromptu practice if the weather holds.

Keep your eyes on our webiste or FB Page!