
Well things are moving at 900mph and they don't look to slow down at Rum River BMX.  So I wanted to take time to up-date everyone on the latest that we know and the plan that is in place as of Thursday Feb. 19th.

What we know now...  It looks like we will have a CO early next week which will mean we can take possession of the building.  hat is a major hurdle we will be getting over in obtaining the CO and the State inspection on the conssession.  As far as the track goes its completely built,  mostly shaped, packed with the 4 wheeler but with out the CO we can't put bikes on it.  We need riders to pack it in hard enough for tac'ing so we have had to modify the schedule over the next few weeks. The plan is to make Friday night the 27th a free pack and ride the track night,  Saturday morning the 28th we will rake and pack  followed by a free work and ride session from 11-2pm.   At 2pm we will have a tac - party.  If any one wants to learn our secrets of putting on glue mark the date an come on down.  We will starting with raking and packing  the track then using our "secret receipt" we will put down the first coat of tac. Tuesday night march 3 we will NOT practice we will put on the 2nd coat of tac on the track.  That will bring us to a Friday night march 6th and a  full on BMX schedule giving us a complete weekend of racing to work out the kinks, if there are any, prior to the grand opening weekend.  The grand opening weekend is march 13-15th three days of fun and Racing... Flyer is attached to the article so where its a free pack the track day or its a grand opening celebration we hope to see you visit our one of a kind arena in Isanti, Minnesota.  The Isanti Indoor Arena - Home of Rum River BMX is almost open for buisness!